Wine and Government Cheese is a weekly e-mail of federal jobs for people with advanced degrees in the humanities and social sciences.
You have a particular set of skills. Allegedly, they’re fungible. Also, there are 10k openings on the USAJobs website and the search engine doesn’t let you exclude terms or reverse sort. W&GC points out at least some of the positions that are 1) open to the public and, 2) applicable to people with MAs or PhDs in the humanities and the humanistic social sciences.
Subscribing gets you a weekly e-mail with highlights from the job descriptions and links to the questionnaires so you can do a better job searching and applying for jobs.
I answer some questions you might have over here.
W&GC has a small but engaged readership of curious and motivated people (high-achieving nerds). If you’d like to sponsor a post, please contact me (!
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